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Great Hallingbury Neighbourhood Plan

The Future of Our Village

A questionnaire is being distributed with the Autumn edition of Great Hallingbury Highlights.   Please do complete it and return it to the Village Hall letterbox.   Responses are not limited to one per household so you can download extra copies here.


District Plan

Uttelsford District Council is in the throes of preparing a new Local Plan which, once agreed, will determine the development of Uttlesford and will bring together all major planning policy for the District into a single document.


Village Plans

Local villages across the country can also have a Neighbourhood Plan.   This is a document that is put in place by a village that helps to shape the future of that village covering topics such as planning policies, helping to protect local green spaces, encouraging better designs, assisting in bringing forward housing that meets local needs and helping to protect heritage/historical sites.  

It is written by the local residents.   Once completed, it will sit alongside the District's local plan and be used by Planning Committees to assist them when deciding planning applications. 


Great Hallingbury's Plan

Great Hallingbury is in the very early stages of looking to create such a plan.   It will take some time to complete (on average 2 years or more) and would need to be reviewed and updated every five years thereon.

We currently have a working group to look at the various aspects of the document that would need to be covered and, once this has been established, a steering committee will be formed to drive it forward.   That steering committee should be made up of people with an interest but also with the necessary skills to help (for instance design and build a website, possible planning experience etc.)   It should represent a wide section of the community so we can make sure that a balance of interests is covered. 

If you are interested in becoming involved at this stage, please contact Cllr Val Waring at


The questionnaires were delivered to all households in the Summer of 2024. Those questionnaires are being analysed and the results will be posted as soon as possible following the Parish Council meeting in November along with the nest steps to be taken. 

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